Miller Lake Community Group

Previous Articles

Water Levels - Phase 1 Study 2024

May 2024

BluMetric Engineering have completed their Phase 1 study.

As previously discussed, the objective of this phase 1 was to provide an overview of how our lake functions, identify potential factors that could be impacting water levels, eliminate some of those potential factors, and suggest measuring processes to further clarify the impact of the remaining factors.

The final report has been submitted, and it provides an overview of water flow patterns through our lake including inflow patterns from Britain Lake and area through Spring Creek, as well as outflow patterns at the southwest end of the lake into Spring Creek. In addition, the report provided the following conclusions:

The recommendations moving forward include:

The Water Level Sub-Committee will review the report and provide recommendations on next steps.

Many of our Members contributed to the cost of this professional study, and we should thank all of those who did. In particular, we should thank the volunteers of the Sub-Committee who spent many hours on research and planning. Headed by Daryl Emilio, those Members include: Bill Hodgins, Dave Bast, Bob Beccarea, Anna Pellizzari, Pierre Pilon, David White, and Tom Vlasic.

E.coli Analysis for 2023

October 2023

A major problem facing Miller Lake is the declining water levels. The committee charged with looking into this problem will have a report at the annual general meeting in November.

In the meantime, our Water Steward, Greg Keane, has collected samples and had the analysis completed by a lab in Waterloo. For a breakdown of E.coli levels from this past summer, click here.

New Regulations for Boaters

June 2022

Clean Boat Sign

MLCG volunteers have mounted new signs at several boat launches around the lake. The signage - courtesy of FOCA - reminds boaters to clean, drain, and dry their boats if the boat has been in another body of water. These precautions help to stop the spread of invasive species, such as algae and mussels.

As of January 1, 2022, new regulations make it illegal to place a boat, boating equipment or any vehicle or trailer into any body of water if there are any aquatic plants, animals or algae attached. This includes canoes and kayaks as well as power boats.

As the sign points out, this is now the law.

2021 Water Analysis - E.coli Levels Safer this Year

August 2021

2020 was "The Plague Year" and no water-testing was done. The lab we use in Waterloo was busy testing Covid results.

But, in 2021 things have improved enough that analysis could resume. Our Water Steward, Dave Dolson, is busy with a provincial effort to track invasive species. In his stead, Wayne Bland volunteered to collect samples and deliver them to the lab. We are in his debt.

The results for individual areas can be found here.

E.coli is fecal material, and can cause vomiting, high fever, bloody diarrhea, loss of appetite, stomach cramps, malaise. Dehydration is the most serious health risk. It is not treatable by antibiotics.

2019 Water Analysis - E.coli Levels Up

February 2020

Thanks to the efforts of our Water Steward, Dave Dolson, 22 water samples of Miller Lake were taken in August 2019. These were tested for E.coli bacteria, and the results for some specific areas were alarming.

Our average count went from 4.4 parts E.coli per 100 mL in 2018 to 20 parts per 100 mL.

E.coli is fecal material, and can cause vomiting, high fever, bloody diarrhea, loss of appetite, stomach cramps, malaise. Dehydration is the most serious health risk. It is not treatable by antibiotics.

Our analysis is for recreational activities, swimming, etc. You can see results for your area by clicking here.

Minutes for the 2019 AGM Are Now Posted

In case you missed this year's Annual General Meeting, the Minutes are now posted in the AGM section. Click here.

Proposed Recreational Trail

July 2019 - Submitted by Dianne Thomson

A group of Miller Lake residents have formed a committee under the name Woodlands Recreation Association with a mandate to study the feasibility of a local trail around Miller Lake for outdoor activities such as walking, running, hiking, bicycling, or snowshoeing. It would not be available for motorized vehicles.

The vision for Woodland’s proposed trail would be a safe experience, environmentally responsible, and respectful of property owners. This trail could help meet the growing demand for healthy lifestyle activities while contributing to making Northern Bruce Peninsula a desirable place to live.

Woodlands have consulted with owners of wooded properties that may wish to be included in a possible trail design. A proposed design is currently a work in progress. Since trail cost estimates are based on the length of the trail and the complexity of construction, it is difficult to say at this point what the final cost would be. Consulting and design costs would be the immediate responsibility. We will be applying to Community Foundation Grey Bruce, and Ontario Trillium Foundation for funding to complete the design and construction. Woodlands will be seeking volunteers to help build and maintain a trail and perform any necessary fundraising (for professional trail design, necessary signs, etc.) beyond grants. These funds would also allow Woodlands to provide ongoing trail maintenance at minimal cost to Northern Bruce Peninsula.

We will be presenting to the MNBP Council on March 11 at 11:30 a.m. seeking their support to help begin the initial design work for this recreation trail in the natural wooded areas surrounding the Miller Lake community.

We encourage any comments and will respond to all feedback through our email

Proposed Trail
