Miller Lake Community Group

For membership information, see below.

The Miller Lake Community Group is an Ontario incorporated (#1284695) non-profit association designed to represent and provide a forum for the property owners on and around Miller Lake.

The Objectives of the corporation are:

  1. Promote the interests of the members before Municipal and Provincial boards, councils, tribunals and commissions, with respect to zoning, development, taxes, environmental concerns and such other matters that may affect the interests of the membership.

In the past we have:

In light of recent events with provincial government changes to taxation and responsibilities, it is even more important that we all keep abreast of how these will affect us in the Miller Lake community.

We want to hear your concerns, keep you informed and provide a meeting place for all our neighbours.

Your enjoyment (hunting, fishing, swimming, hiking and other activities on and around the lake) is of mutual concern to many others and we ask if you are not part of our association that you join us and meet some new friends.

Miller Lake Community Group Executive (2016 - 2019)

President - Anna Pellizzari
Vice-President - Daryl Emilio
Treasurer - Randy Gulliver
Secretary - Christine Gillies
Lake Stewards - Doug and Pat Jackson
Past Presidents - Bob Beccarea, Maggie Vaivods
Advisors - Mark Thompson, Paul Mundy
Web site - Randy Gulliver

To join the Miller Lake Community Group, you can CLICK AND PRINT this form.
Membership dues are a $25 per year. Mail with cheque payable to MILLER LAKE ASSOCIATION to: R. Gulliver, 20 Barton St., Guelph, ON N1H 1M3

OR you can eTransfer your dues or contributions through Interac or your bank to MLCGwater@gmail.com.

Please note that our group is NOT a registered charity and you will NOT receive a tax receipt for your contribution.
