To join the Miller Lake Community Group, please print this page, fill in the details and mail to:
R. Gulliver, 20 Barton St., Guelph, ON, N1H 1M3.Yes I/we would like to become a member of the Miller Lake Community Group and have our voice heard.
Enclosed, please find my cheque for $25.00 family membership.
Make cheque payable to MILLER LAKE ASSOCIATION.
You can eTransfer your dues to MLCGwater@gmail.com, and then email your details to the Treasurer at ragulli45@yahoo.ca.Date:_________________
Mailing Address:____________________________________________________
Province/State:_____________________ Postal/Zip Code:________________
Phone #:____________________________
E-mail Address:_________________________________________________________
Lake Property address:_______________________________________________________
( ) Please keep me informed of Association matters by Email.
A concern I wish to discuss or have addressed is:
Privacy Note: MLCG does not share any personal information with any other organizations.