Miller Lake Community Group
AGM - 2019

July 20, 2019

President------------------- Anna Pellizzari
Vice President--------- Daryl Emilio (not present)
Treasurer-------------- Randy Gulliver
Secretary ------------- Keith McKee (not present)
Secretary du jour------ Maggie Vaivods
Water Steward------- Dave Dolson
Past Chair ----------- Bob Beccarrea
Members at Large - Paul Mundy, Mark Thompson
Web Site---------- Randy Gulliver

Meeting held at Northern Bruce municipal offices on Lindsay Rd. 5.

President's Opening Remarks

In opening the meeting, Anna welcomed the Group, and offered condolences for the death in the past year of former member, Jim Lombard.

Treasurer's Report:

A full copy of the report is available below.

The main expenses are for water testing and for membership in FOCA. Our dues are covering these, plus mailings and signs. Currently our fee per family is $20 per year. Next year it may need to be raised to $25 to continue to meet costs.

A question was asked about the value of FOCA membership. The answer is that FOCA advocates for all cottage owners on issues that relate to every area. They also provide water testing for Calcium and Phosphorous levels. Our water steward receives up-to-date materials which help to clarify water quality issues through the Lake Partners Program.

People are keen to find ways to promote the AGM. The posted signs used this year seem a good idea, but they may need to be larger. It was stressed that word of mouth is the best way to get people out. Already email notification is in place.

Having Community Group T shirts available for purchase was encouraged.

Water Quality Report:

Dave always needs volunteers to help with the sampling of the lake. Thanks to this year's volunteers Dave McRae, Tom Thompson and Bob Beccarea.

Results from 2018 showed phosphorous levels slightly higher than the previous year. While the levels are not bad, it should be a warning for everyone to avoid fertilizing land near the lake and to use cleaning products without phosphorous. Algae is fed by phosphorous. Calcium is positive as it helps support life forms in the lake. In the past, acid rain significantly lowered this, but currently our level is good.

E-coli was also slightly higher in the 2018 test but much lower than the danger level. Good maintenance of septic systems is crucial in keeping E-coli out of the water. Dave pointed out that bird and beaver droppings in the water can also affect the E-coli reading.

Once again there is encouragement to allow naturalization along the waterfront as all wildlife need these areas to support their life cycle.

Once testing has been completed and results are in, the 2019 report will be available on the website.

Mayor's Report:

Milt McIver addressed many issues that are currently of interest to property owners.

Short term rentals: A consultant has been hired to guide the process of coming to terms with the increasing problems arising from rented properties. Since all other vacation areas experience these challenges as well, Council is looking to best practices already in place elsewhere.
Check the Municipal website for details regarding upcoming workshops in late August which will address the issue.

Official zoning plan: Despite a great deal of time and work put into devising a plan, there has been no agreement on what this will be. At this point Bruce County is going ahead with a process that will provide an overall plan. Council is waiting to see what will come of this.

Native Land Claim: For up to date information, see the Saugeen/Ojibway website which details the claim and the rationale behind it. Milt emphasized that it will be a long political and legal process before an agreement is reached.

Tammy's Cove Rd Plan: The design for the road should be finalized by the fall. At that time, it will go to budget to determine when the work can be implemented.

Roadside garbage pickup: This is proving effective in encouraging recycling. People seem to have found good ways of adjusting to the change.

Questions from our members:

Is the Municipality responsible for maintaining boat launches on Miller Lake?
Yes. Send in the details and location of work required to the Municipal office.

Can traffic be slowed on Miller Lake Shore Road?
As President of the group, Anna has offered to forward to Council a request for speed reduction on Miller Lake Shore Road and a 3 way stop at Maple Dr.

Is the current provincial government making it easier for development plans to overpower municipal control?
Not sure that there was an answer to this.

Miller Lake Woodlands Trail Association:

Dianne Thomson has spearheaded the plan to create a sustainable year-round walking and skiing trail starting at the West end of Tammy's Cove Road and ending at the East End of Maple Drive. This path will not go along the lake but inland through wooded terrain.
Amazingly, Dianne has already: engaged a trail developer, Zane Davies, received permission from all land owners involved, recruited 40 volunteers to help, acquired financial help from the Municipal government, investigated additional support from the Ontario Trillium Foundation, explored insurance issues and dealt with parking concerns. She and her supporters hope to have this path started by 2021. It will provide an environmentally respectful walking opportunity for nature lovers in the Miller Lake area.

The Nature Conservancy of Canada

Esme Batten is Coordinator, Conservation Biology for Saugeen Bruce Peninsula. She has an office in Lion's Head and is available at PO Box 917 Lion's Head N0H 1W0, mobile 519-373-4620, email

She explained that the Conservancy protects 15,000 acres of Peninsula property and is currently actively battling invasive species that threaten to overwhelm native plants. Phragmites, a fast growing non-native giant plant is choking wetlands and lakeshores and is equally successful along roadways. Her group, in conjunction with the Bruce Peninsula Biosphere Association, is qualified to help control this plant. Contact her if you are concerned about dealing with phragmites.

Garlic mustard is also choking native violets and trilliums in our woodlands. This can be hand-pulled and even eaten! Please check out the Conservancy web page for all the information and initiatives that are available. Their concerns range from plants to trees to animals.

The AGM concluded at noon and members stayed to enjoy a BBQ and conversation. Thanks to all who generously donated treats for all to share.

Treasurer's Report - 2018-2019

Printed copies were available at the meeting.

Opening balance July 3,2018 --- $ 1,426.66
Income(Dues and donations)-- $ 1645.00
Deposit returned from hall rental -- $226
Expenses -----------------------
Bank fees ---- $126.59
Tobermory Press ad --- $115.37
Water-testing - Lab costs --- $708.51
Reimburse flyers --- $25.31
AGM food expenses --- $110.67
FOCA dues--$335.00
Municipal hall rental deposit --- $226.00
Book balance - July 3, 2019 --- $1,650.21
