President------------------- Anna Pellizzari
Vice President--------- vacant
Treasurer-------------- Randy Gulliver
Secretary ------------- Keith McKee
Water Steward------- Dave Dolson
Past Chair ----------- Bob Beccarrea
Members at Large - Paul Mundy, Mark Thompson (not present)
Web Site---------- Randy Gulliver
Meeting held at Northern Bruce municipal offices on Lindsay Rd. 5.
President's Remarks:
Anna Pellizzari welcomed those attending, indicating that the format was a little different this year, proposing more open forum time as opposed to presentations. It was indicated that the vice president's position was open for nominations/volunteers. Approximately 30 people were in attendance.
Mayor's Comments:
Mayor Milt McIver made a brief comment on the contentious issue of proposed new waterfront bylaws. He mentioned the discomfort of the residents with the Zoning Bylaws and the Official plan, especially the accuracy of the plan. He explained that the Council really only had jurisdiction over Tobermory, Lion's Head and Ferndale, with the County Official plan covering all other outside areas. The Provincial Policy is currently under review and the county must be consistent with it. New developments must comply with the New bylaws as they apply to wetlands, etc.
The waste management changes made with respect to garbage and recycling pickup have been most successful, with an increase of 20% in recycling and a decrease of 30% in landfill. There has been only minor issues with regards to pickup, but private road pickups must be inspected and approved before the garbage trucks will go on them.
A question was raised re mid week renters and their garbage, but it does not seem to be an issue at present. It was suggested that a good neighbour policy would work to bring in others' garbage if renters have left. It was also mentioned from the floor re notification wrt missed pickups. Could residents be notified as soon as possible? Pickups have been cancelled because of bad weather.
In regards to short-term rentals, a rental bylaw was being considered but this has been put on hold so council could deal with current issues. It will be on the agenda for the new council in the fall.
The current fire ban prompted a question about reporting its abuse. The Mayor said that the municipal offices should be called during regular office hours and after hours, the call should be directed to "911".
The paving of the rest of Tammy's Cove Road was also discussed. The road has been surveyed, but the question was raised whether there is significant objection to paving it and/or taking out some curves and levelling some of the hills. The Mayor suggested that comments should be sent to council members for input on this matter. As occurred with East Road, some residents may have objections to terrain being altered for the new paving.
It was mentioned that only 40% of the property taxes collected in NBP stay in the area. Area assessments are up 2.88% due to reassessments and growth. The road budget should run about 2% of the budget, but was up to 6% this year to "catch up" . Compared to other areas, particularly South Bruce, taxpayers in North Bruce get a good deal.
Parking meters in Tobermory collected $260K last year, but there were startup costs to be incurred. All of these monies stay in Tobermory. Council also bought property to expand the number of parking spaces.
A question was raised re parking passes for rentals; i.e. Could there be one that might be multiple use for different renters? There was no consensus on this issue and no appetite for it by the council.
Walking/Biking Trail Proposal -
Dianne Thomson suggested the possibility of a bike/walking trail around Miller Lake and if there is any interest in pursuing the matter. Those with any input, opinions and interest should contact either Dianne Thomson or Randy Gulliver.
North Bruce Peninsula Advocates -
Kathy Dimaline of the Northern Bruce Peninsula Advocates group talked about its role. It's purpose is to bring attention to the impact that the proposed zoning bylaws will have on value and use of properties. The group has had some success in getting the environmental hazards "red line" deferred from inland lakes, including Miller Lake. The group is organizing a "meet the candidates" meeting on August 18th at 2832 Hwy 6 in Ferndale. Time of meeting is from 1pm to 6pm and will be advertised shortly. It was mentioned that as long as you own property in the area, you can vote. Voting participation has been about 40%, so stay involved and make sure you are on the voters' list.
2017 Water Analysis -
Randy Gulliver talked to the recent water analysis done on the lake. Results have been excellent for Ecoli, but seem to be creeping up for phosphorus. Phosphorus can /does cause toxic blooms and would make the lake virtually unusable. It was suggested that cottagers do not fertilize their lawns and use phosphorus free products wherever possible .
Open Discussion
- Lake hazard markings. There seems to be some hazard markings missing from earlier years. No one was quite sure who put out these markings.
- Application for the shooting Range at the north end of lake. Because this involves firearms, it is a matter before the Ministry of Natural Resources and doesn’t involve local council.
- Collection of dues for the MLCG. Discussion was held as how to collect from those who benefit from the work of this group in keeping Miller lake in good shape, but do not contribute financially towards it. It was mentioned that people should talk to their neighbours and suggest they help as well.
- Daryl Emilio put his name forward for the position of Vice-president. As there were no other nominees, he was acclaimed to the position.
- It was mentioned that Dave Dolson requires assistance in his work as Lake Steward. Tom Thompson volunteered his assistance to Dave.
Treasurer's Report - 2017-2018
Printed copies were available at the meeting.
Opening balance July 1,2017 --- $ 2093.71
Income(Dues and donations)-- $ 780.00
Deposit returned from hall rental -- $226
Expenses -----------------------
Bank fees ---- $96.00
Tobermory Press ad --- $62.09
Water-testing - Lab costs --- $708.51
Website Hosting - 2 yrs. --- $158.20
Execulink - URL renewal 3 yrs. --- $84.75
FOCA dues--$337.50
Municipal hall rental deposit --- $226.00
Book balance - July 3, 2018 --- $1,426.66
The current executive will continue for the following year and welcomes Daryl Emilio as Vice-president.
The meeting adjourned at 11:15am and lunch followed.