Miller Lake Community Group
AGM - 2007

Welcome: Paul Mundy welcomed everyone to the 26th annual general meeting and introduced the current executive.

Past President Gerry Fischer
President Paul Mundy
Vice President Barb Chester
Treasurer Barry Walker
Secretary Norm Paraschuk (absent)

Minutes of the 2006 meeting:
Moved by Barry Walker and seconded by George Chester the minutes were accepted as published.

Business Arising:
Paul demonstrated the monofilament retrieval containers designed and built by Darcy Lombard and explained how they are used. Two are already installed and the other three should be installed by the end of the summer. Janice Cruickshank called for acknowledgement of Darcys' effort and the assembly responded with applause and complimentary comments.

Treasurers Report:
Barry Walker outlined the report and explained the items as listed.

Moved by Barry Walker and seconded by Tom Tumilty the treasurer's report was accepted as written.

Secretaries Report:
Although Norm was not available it was noted that we have increased our membership by fifty members as a result of the past years mail out solicitation. Thanks to the effort of Barb, Norm and Barry for these positive results.

Community Initiatives:
Maggie Vaivods gave a presentation asking for the associations support to begin community involvement activities that demonstrate our concern and involvement. She listed “increased visibility” for our association to the community at large, greater social interaction among the members and a more viable voice when we want to be heard in relation to the larger community. She listed the Adopt-a-highway program, fund raising for the Lions Head hospital and other possible ideas for the future. She offered to act as a lead “captain” for these activities.

Moved by Maggie and seconded by Barb Chester: “That Miller Lake Community Group become involved in the Adopt-a-highway program”

Discussion was largely positive and supportive. Health concerns and insurance liability were mentioned as needing to be considered. The motion was carried in support of the motion.

A signup sheet was left for interested members to add their names to Maggies list.

Barb Chester presented two ways to help our local environments. She mentioned the use of environmentally friendly grasses in a product called EnviroTurf that would soon be sold at Peninsula Out of Doors. The idea being to use plants and grasses adapted to this environment that require less care and no fertilizers and much less cutting.

Barb also had a gift basket to be presented as a door prize at the end of the meeting that comprised a variety of natural products that would not harm the environment when used. The gift basket was made available by Nature Clean of Toronto. You can find more about this company at .

Mayors Report:
Mayor Milton McIver addressed the assembly. He spoke in support of MaggieVaivods initiative. He mentioned fundraising for the hospital in the past and money given by the municipality. He indicated the clinic in Tobermory is looking for improvements to begin next year and fundraising is going well.

Tax increases of 2.7%

Policing costs were down last year due to demands from other areas.

New focus for the coming year include improvements to the landfill site including weigh scales at the Eastnor and Tobermory sites to provide a more fair assessment of materials. The Lindsay site is too close to Spring Creek and has no room for expansion.

Improvement in policing would cost $120,000 per officer and the distances involved on the peninsula makes it difficult to assess the actual needs.

The East Rd. improvements are an attempt to put the roads back on to appropriate road allowances. Rocks, ridges and low wetlands continue to present their usual problems. This year the road improvements will go as far as the Tammys Cove Rd. Money has come from both the federal and provincial governments but these projects seem to regularly go over budget. The decision regarding hardtop or tarmac is yet to be made.

Carol Schultz asked about getting speed limit signs for Tammys' Cove Rd. (as well as the other streets around Miller Lake). We have been repeatedly asking for this for the last fifteen years. The danger to children and other pedestrians from the fast moving vehicles is quite real.

Concern was expressed about the construction vehicles and other commercial materials and equipment being stored on the side of the road along Tammy Cove Rd. The accumulation of parked equipment amounts to obstruction of traffic and safe use of the municipal road by local residents. One resident indicated he has difficulty backing out of his own property because of the equipment and material stored on the road right of way.

A member has noticed a strong odour coming from the lagoon on the Summer House Camp property.

Another member mentioned that a small herd of cattle had recently arrived on his property, apparently escaped from a local farmer.

The mayor responded that most issues are best handled by calling the municipal office and filing a complaint or requesting to speak to an employee that may be able to solve the problem.

In regards to the speed limit signs, he indicated the council has yet to make a definitive decision. There is some question as to the effectiveness of signs.

A member pointed out that we have been requesting speed limit signs for many years now. Speeding is a problem and something needs to be done. Speed Limit signs at least are a beginning. If a speed limit is not posted then 80 KPM is the accepted speed and this is way too dangerous for the type of roads we have.

At a speculated cost of $200.00 per sign this did not seem too much of an expense considering the municipal taxes for one residential property would pay for as many as ten speed signs.

Tom Tumilty thanked the mayor for his attendance and listening to our comments and questions. He also mentioned Operation Lookout being adopted by the municipality and the value of this program.

Guest Speaker:
Ethan Meleg, the communications and outreach coordinator for Bruce National Park and Fathom Five National Park presented an informative slide show describing the extent of the two parks, the natural environment they are protecting and some of the flora and fauna to watch out for. Paul thanked Ethan for his presentation.

Information re. The golf tournament was given. Anyone interested should contact George McKay. Numbers are limited.

Motion to adjourn by Paul Mundy, seconded by George Chester. Carried and the group adjourned to the picnic. The picnic lasted approximately 2 hours including cleanup. We were done by 2:00 pm

Next years meeting tentatively scheduled for July 26, 2008
