Paul Mundy, President, welcomed everyone to this 20th Annual Meeting and introduced the current executive Basil Sutton, Paul Mundy, Butch Grenon, Barry Walker, Carol Schultz, Bev Miller, Rom Schmidt, Jim Schnarr, George Bowman.
The minutes of the previous meeting were moved, seconed and carried as mailed last fall.
Treasurers report was presented by Carol Schultz, with explanations as required regarding insurance costs. Paul gave website explanation and the website address was given out.
A motion to accept was made by Jack Kyle and seconded by Tom Tumilty and carried.
An Executive meeting was held June 23rd - discussions on bulletin boards, noise re personal water craft, road maintenance and park cleanups, phone rate changes. Association meeting notices were mailed out. Boat smart issue was covered regarding licencing and tests.
Carol gave a full report on the bear issue outlining things to know. Carol has a bear incident report available.
It was mentioned that we require a water test volunteer to handle lake samples for testing. This is a "once a year" duty. Gerry Fischer volunteered.
Mayor Milt McIver spoke about issues regarding Bears, the Municipality, Loin's Head water and sewers, the hill on Barney's Blvd, help from summer students for park areas. There were various questions and answers given. He talked about garbage and the bear threat. He responded to concerns about taxes for full-time residents and seasonal taxpayers. He spoke on a potential new recreation facility for the community. Input is required.
A meeting will be held Sept 29th from 1 - 4 at John White's Garage on hazardous materials.
Summer residents showed concern on the timing for a potential recreational facility.
The annual Golf Tournament is to be held August 25th, George McKay is the coordinator again, call him to register (See notice at bottom of page). This event is limited to 40 golfers.
Both Summer House and Miller Lake Camp were spoken to on boating and safety issues re recreational campers. This item is under Federal jurisdiction.
FOCA reports and information will be on the website ant there is information on the back tables for those people interested. for further information speak to Paul upon adjournment.
- A survey is coming out re environmental baseline and observing changes to property.
- It was noted that anyone having old pictures of Miller Lake to please contact Tom Tumilty so that they can be placed on the web page.
- Information was given regarding preserving "Dark Sky" for viewing the stars in the area.
- A discussion was held on a proposed tree cutting guideline and possibly task force re types of trees in the area (e.g. white cedar) and information from logging groups on the subject.
- We talked about moving the bulletin board signs closer to the road fronts, making them more visible to the public.
- A discussion on a dumpster for Burnet Drive and Miller Lake Road ensued re cottagers garbage and the bear problem.
- It was noted that the Northern Bruce Peninsula property owners coalition of 17 area associations would be having a meeting and Basil Sutton would be our representative. Hopefully common issues of the group would be forthcoming. Cost is $20.00 per association.
- It was noted that a draw held for a crokinal board raised $72.00 and the winner was Marnie Down.
NEXT GENERAL MEETING AND PICNIC - July 27th 2002 at 10:00 am to 12:00 noon to be followed by a BBQ.
Information to be supplied by George McKay,