Miller Lake Community Group
AGM Minutes - 2000

Paul Mundy, Co-president, welcomed everyone and introduced the current executive.
Basil Sutton, Paul Munday, George McKay, Carol Shultz, all present. Allan Partridge and Sue Halliday, absent. It was noted that Milton McIver, mayor, would be joining us later. The minutes of the previous meeting were moved, seconded and carried as mailed last fall. Paul noted this was election year and Basil and George are retiring and Sue Halliday has resigned. George would continue to run the Golf Tournament though.
Jim Waddell moved and Tom Tumilty seconded. 17 families were represented at this 19th Annual meeting

Treasurers report was read with explanations as required, as circulated. No questions were asked. A motion to accept by Alan Parker and seconded by Ken Smith.

Paul reported in Sue's absence and noted that at the back table a number of brochures and pamphlets are available for those interested - on a variety of subjects.

Membership signs are available for members of the cottage group, to be posted on your address posts. Get in touch with Paul or Butch if you need one. A new large sign was installed at the west end of Miller Lake by Matt Kiernan of Plantation 1313 re access to lake.

Water quality has been running to standard.
Paul spoke on geese and access to your property (for information).
Paul spoke on the election of officers. Three positions are open.
Paul reported on F.O.C.A. Various issues of interest were noted.
Personal well water testing should be done twice a year, spring being the most relevant. Check with Town Office for more information. He noted the new voting process for municipal elections, and that there would be mail-in ballots. He spoke on the new boating regulations. No one under the age of 12 would be able to operate a 10 hp motor or higher without supervision . Anyone born after 1983 must have a valid license to operate water craft. (Paul to expand)

Cottage watch 2000 has no official report. Issues for information were old septic systems, pumping out systems periodically. (Every 3 - 5 years minimum)
A discussion was held on area wildlife and the problems with bears in the area. Cottagers should be more observant with gargage, which is the main attraction for bears.

Mayor Milt McIvor spoke of tax reassessment for 2001 taxation year, and then 2003. He spoke of bear problems at Cape Chin North and South, Tammy's Cove, and Lion's Head. For problems please contact the Ministry of Natural Resources. The town office will have the phone numbers. He indicated water samples should be taken to town office prior to 10 am Wednesday mornings, for pick-up.
Basil Sutton spoke on the Quarry issue.
Paul Mundy spoke on amalgamation.
Residents spoke of a bad bump on the road on Barney's Blvd. near the boat launch. A sign and repair should be investigated.
Residents question of the maintenance of the small park on Tammy's Cove Road - re washrooms and public access and cottager use for those not on the lakeshore, especially in light of the closing and subdividing of Tammy's Cove Campground, often used by cottagers not on the lake.
Issues of cottagers responsiblities and duties were discussed. It was noted there would be a general mailout re this subject, along with a membership drive.
It was noted that the annual meeting would be held the same weekend, same day next year. (Saturday before Civic Holiday weekend). It was moved, seconded and carried.

The Loon's Call is published in the spring and will be mailed out at that time. A flyer will be made up shortly re membership drive. The east side of the lake will be delivered by Basil Sutton, Barry Walker and Bill Dawe, and the west side by Paul Mundy, Alan Partridge and another volunteer.
A web page is being deveoped by Tom Tumilty for ratepayers information and access. Anyone having information or pictures for this page please contact Tom or Paul Mundy at

Past President: Basil Sutton - new
Vice President: Butch Grenon - new
Secretary: Barry Walker - new
President: Paul Mundy - current
Treasuerer: Carol Shultz - current

Water Monitors:
Bev Miller
Ron Schmidt

Lake Representatives:
Basil Sutton
Bennie Rice
George Bowman
Jim Schnarr


A special thanks to Sue Halliday, Basil Sutton and George McKay for their service on our behalf these past four years
